I like shoes

Whether you grew up reading Cinderella or watched all the classics later in life, you must agree that the story portraits how important a pair of shoes can be. In fact, some may argue that they can be life-changing.

Now, I have never owned nor worn a pair of glass slippers but I can imagine that they might hurt a bit if they’re not the perfect fit or slip away and be left behind when in hurry. And to be honest, that doesn’t sound so tempting – so, let’s stick to these comfortable heels instead?


Spring in leather

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Favorite leather jackets in stores right now:


Cozy fashion

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For me, nothing says a good working from home routine than waking up early and getting dressed in “outside clothes” in the mornings before actually starting working. Despite that, sometimes I linger on the thought that some days are meant to be a little slow without completely being unproductive. Hence, *drum roll* cozy fashion.

Cute and comfortable shoes to pair your cozy home office clothes with:


Bucket hats

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Hats are one of my favorite accessories, especially during the days between hair washing days. Since I am in a period of giving my hair more love than usual and letting it grow out, I’m washing my hair fewer times a week, avoiding heat and using less styling products. And since I am also not leaving my home as often as before due to social distancing – bucket hats have become a favorite go-to when going on a walk or grocery shopping so that I can look pulled together with minimal effort!

Other favorite functional accessories:

