What are you grateful of right now in your life? It’s extremely sad to know how so many of us, and I say us because I feel I need this reminder every now and then as well… it is so sad to know that getting this question so many of us usually struggle to find something to be grateful for in our lives. It would take us a moment. While if you ask a happy person what they are grateful, they will likely be able to reel off many things. That’s where the difference, they would rabble up the things that many “unhappy” people take for granted. It has nothing to do with some people having more than others or some being more successful than someone else. Instead it all lies in the perspective of seeing the goodness.. seeing life positively… being happy in yourself here and now. It all starts from being grateful… being grateful to be alive. Being grateful to have money to buy food. Being grateful for that morning coffee. Being grateful to have the access to be sitting where we are and be able to read this blog post. We’re fortunate to have the opportunity to decide whether or not we want to change our lives, and for that we should be grateful. Because you know what we are magnets, so the more we can find to be grateful for the more we will receive in our lives to be even more grateful for. It all starts with us appreciating ourselves.. appreciating everything and everyone around us instead of longing for what others have and their lives. And the best part is that the choice of this entirely yours.